Friday, October 30, 2009

Reflection Part II

Here are some recent photos from people that I have interviewed.

Monday, October 26, 2009


This week instead of interviewing someone, I decided to stop and kind of examine what I've learned and some issues that have come up while doing this project.

I have decided that the very last interview, I will do the interview for myself. I've learned a lot about different people while doing this blog, and I have enjoyed it immensely. I've learned more about what makes people tick. I've also realized that some people seem to have more of a clue about things around them than I do. It has challenged me to begin to investigate things for myself and form my own opinions and thoughts about issues instead of simply accepting what the world and what media tries to spoon feed us.

Some people have expressed concern over the people that I have chosen to interview, saying that they are bad influences or that I should be careful treading near certain subjects. I appreciate their concern but the people that I have been interviewing have been important parts of my life, and they have helped shape me into the person that I am now. Some people have judged the people that I have interviewed based on their answers. Please don't do that. Realize that as an interview, and as simply words on a screen, that the right emphasis and quirks of the people are lost. Take some time to sit down with the people that I have interviewed to get to know them better. They truly are incredible people.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Jamie C. Hazel--On Media and Technology

Technology and media have become part of our day to day lives. How do you feel about this? Is it a positive thing? Negative thing? How would your life be different without technology and media?
With everything there is a positive and a negative thing. Positive thing I can talk to my friends in an instance on Facebook or on AIM. Or I can call you at any time I want with a phone in my pocket. However, some people will get involved in their computers so much that they create their own silicone shell. Technology has the power to isolate and connect us. It’s just how you choose to use it.

Do you think media is biased? How so?
Everything is biased. Fox News is notorious for bias as well as MSNBC. To get my news I usually listen to NPR or the BBC. I try my best to stay away from sites online like the Drudge Report. However I do enjoy reading The Onion. It makes me giggle.


Favorite color: orange
Favorite book: toss up between four
"Beyond good and evil"
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
"The Things They Carried"
"I am America (And So Can You)"

Favorite movie: I have too many to choose
There’s the Original Dawn of the Dead
And there’s Dr. Strangelove
Blackhawk Down
And Monty Phython’s The Meaning of Life

Favorite music: Punk
Although I hate modern hardcore punk. It’s a bunch of guys screaming into a microphone who act like they can play their musicians. The only good musicians in a hardcore punk band today is the bassist.

Favorite Bible verse: John 15:13

If you want change, from the same old two party stuff. Vote third party.

Go out and buy yourself a copy of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". And prepare yourself for a ride that you won’t forget.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jamie C. Hazel--A Deeper Look

What are your religious beliefs?
I’m kind of in between right now. I’m not far enough to say that I’m an atheist but I’m not a fundamentalist either. I guess the best way to describe me would be to say that I’m agnostic. I’ve been looking at a church called the Universal Life Church and it’s only commandment is to do good. And I think that it’s something I need if I want to get back to the mainstream Christianity. Because one of the reasons that I started questioning my beliefs is because I see a lot of Christians claiming evil in the name of good.

If you're a Christian, when did you accept Christ?
I accepted Christ when I was ten. It’s just that recently in the last year or so I have begun to question, so, if I die soon I’ll be going to heaven because if once saved always saved if heaven is real. If heaven is not real than I’m not going to be disappointed either.

What church do you attend? How are you active there?
I’m not really all that active. I’m a member by letter of Boiling Springs Baptist.

Are you active in the community?
I’m active in my hall community. I’m active in my community back home in Morganton as much as I can be. But in Boiling Springs, at large, I’m not involved. I just sorta stay on GW and do my stuff there.

Have you been on any mission trips?
No. I almost went when I was in 8th grade but something came up and my family couldn’t afford it. And my church didn’t have the funds. Which kind of upset me because I worked that summer at VBS and they said it was training for your mission and than all of a sudden I couldn’t go.

How do you witness to people?
My dad always told me, and this is a cliché, that actions speak louder than words. So if I’m going to show someone that I’m a good person than I’m not going to talk about how I saved a baby from a burning building. I’ll freaking show you. It might not be something as brave and heroic as saving someone’s life but a random act of kindness. To show through my actions that I am who I say I am. And I leave it up to you to judge who I am.

What are your parents’ beliefs?
Baptist. My mom used to be a Methodist because my grandpa was a Methodist minister and she lived in a place called Bayou La Batry. One of her sisters fell in a cesspool which isn’t good. Fun fact—Bubba from Forrest Gump—Bayou La Batry was his hometown.

What is your political standpoint?
At heart I am an anarchist. But not in the burning buildings kind of way. I believe that we can all be equal and be able to govern ourselves, because anarchy is the absence of government. But for political purposes I am a registered libertarian which is the closest thing you can get to a legal political party because anarchists aren’t going to make their own political party.

What do you think are some major issues in the world to you? What do you think you can do about them/want to do about them?
You’ve got AIDS, and Ebola in Africa. And as well as hunger all over the world. You’ve got world poverty. And you’ve got wars of genocide and of political gain across the global. I would like to feed the hungry. Home the homeless. Give to the poor. And melt down the guns of the soldiers. But let’s be realistic all that I can do is feed the hungry and house the homeless. All the other things are out of my control as a individual. It’s going to take all of us to get those things done.

Jamie C. Hazel--Who is he?

Tell me about yourself?
Tell me about yourself. My name is Jamie. I’m 19 years old and I’m a recovering sexaholic. That’s not true. I would say something like I like music but that’s blasé and cliché because I’m pretty sure that everyone likes music. I’ve done things in my life that I’m proud of and some things that I’m not so proud of. I’m an eagle scout. I have a mohawk. I own clothes. I’m a second year junior at Gardner Webb. I’m the RA for L3 (Lutz 3rd floor). And I really enjoy playing lacrosse and my four string banjo. I play Santa at Christmas time--at day cares and stuff like that. I enjoy random acts of mischief and kindness. However I have found that most people don’t like the two combined. I enjoy reading books by Tim O’Brien especially “The Things They Carried”. And I especially like to read philosophy. But textbooks are not my forte. For some strange and ungodly reason I hate the color pink. I have ADD to the extreme. And whenever I see a Honda element (the car) I think about the commercial about the crab that says “I pinch.” If I’m really tired I will bust into spurts of laughter for no apparent reason. And one day I want to own a pipe organ.

Where were you born?
I was born in a hospital. Mary Black Hospital. Spartanburg, SC. I guess you can say that I’ve been born three times. My first birth, my spiritual birth and than another spiritual rebirth. I found life, I found Jesus, and than I found myself.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have a half brother. And a half sister but she disowned the family. So I guess you could say that I have a half brother. His name is Gabriel like the angel. Except he doesn’t kill people. (How old is he?) 22? 23? No wait that’s false. He’s in his 20s I don’t know exactly. Are you close? I mean we don’t have regular phone chats but whenever we come together for like Christmas and birthdays we act like real brothers-- we fight and stuff and mess around.

Did you move around a lot as a kid?

Eh. A little bit. Whenever I was 1 1/2 we moved up to Watauga county. And we moved around a few more times in Watagua until we came to Spruce Pine in Mitchell county and then we moved down to Morganton in 2000. That’s where I live now.

Are your parents divorced?
No. They’ve been married for 20 something years.

Do you want to get married and have kids one day?
Gee whillikers that’d be great! (He had to help me spell that) Although it’s currently not looking very bright for me. I’ve had a single girlfriend my entire life and that was only for a week. Apparently most girls think I am asexual. I would like to have kid. Just because I would like to pass on the family name. And I would like have at least two kids so I can name one Jamie Junior. Or JJ for short. And than I would want to name the other one something awesome like Dorito. But it’s probably going to be Fredrick. (What if it’s a girl?) Well than we will affix the bow of shame. I’ll let my wife handle that one. I’m awesome with guy names but terrible with chick names.

How did you come to Gardner Webb?
By car. I came here because I got accepted pretty much every where that I applied but Gardner Webb was the only one that seemed to want me. They sent me a birthday card and a Christmas card and Chip Carter was a really big part of it. He called up my house one day and was like did you know that you are eligible for a full ride to Gardner Webb and I was like no and he worked with me the entire time of the application and than the day came that I finally came to GW. I didn’t get the full ride but I did get something which is better than nothing.

What do you want to do with your life?
I wanna rock! I wanna become a psychologist. Because there are people out there who need help with mental issues. I also want to go into the Air Force. And eventually hopefully get married and have kids. And I wanna move some where up north because people look at me funny when I wear short sleeves on a cold day down here. Plus, I want to take a little southern manners up to them and maybe the traffic in New York won’t be so bad if they learn to be a little more polite to them. I would like to invent wallpaper that you can lick and get taste off and invent a fruit called snozzeberry.

Are you dating someone right now?
No. Although, I am not giving up. Yet. That will be next semester.

How do you relieve stress?
I do it in a variety of ways. I write poetry. I write songs. I scream into a pillow. And if there’s a target of opportunity than I’ll whack it with my soft ball bat. Sometimes the target is a cantaloupe which makes a nice squishy thud. I do that at home. But not here…because that would probably get me arrested. I usually play it off. If I’m making a ton of jokes in a day it’s usually because I’m really stressed out. And me being a fat guy you learn to deal with stuff really quick. And comedy is one of the things that comes natural to me.

What irritates you in other people?
Being used. There is nothing worse than me feeling like I’m being used. Because than I get really paranoid and I will draw up in defensive porcupine state. I also don’t like hypocrites.

What kind of things do you like to do?
I like to sing.

I like to listen to music. That's being cliché.

I like to be random. Such things as swimming in Lake Hollifield.

I like to watch old movies that are hilarious like Dr. Strangelove.

I like to read. Especially about stuff that has no bearing on anything whatsoever.
However if I see a copy of Twilight I will be revulsed. You will be revulsed? Is that a word? To revulse. Revulsion is a word. Revulsing. I feel revulsion to a steaming pile of people. Therefore I can be revulsed at something. I don’t know if I agree with that. It kind of sounds like revolt. Like all of my senses are revolting against me picking up the book and reading it so I don’t.

I like to have interviews with my friend Courtney.

And just generally hanging out.

Killing zombies.

What do you want people to know about you?
I want them to know that I am a really cool guy and I am kind of like Dona Tello. He’s a party dude. But that’s not true. I am a really cool guy that if you would just sit and talk with me for awhile you would start to understand something like that. Because people tend to judge me on first appearance that I’m a freak or they’ll walk up in the middle of one of my awkward conversations and draw the same thoughts of freak when in all reality it’s just a normal conversation to me and if you would just stay awhile you would realize it.

It’s cool man.

If you could give one piece of advice to the world, what would it be?
I want to say something about wearing protection. But that would be too racy. Sooo…I’m going to say that the one piece of advice be good to each other and stop shooting each other for Christ’s sake! There will be enough time to shoot things when the zombies rise up!

If there was one thing in the world that you could change, what would it be?
I want Johnny Cash to be back alive. He was just an awesome guy. He was a good Christian guy and a great musician. He was the voice of a generation and now he’s gone. Also that I wouldn’t be allergic to milk. That takes away a lot of ice cream.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Brandon M. Beckler--On Media and Technology

Technology and media have become part of our day to day lives. How do you feel about this? Is it a positive thing? Negative thing? How would your life be different without technology and media?
Technology is awesome. It allows the instant flow of information over great distances. It makes our lives easier and more productive. Give a person a needle and thread, and he won’t make very many blankets. But teach him how to work a sewing machine, and his productivity skyrockets. Make this whole process automated and have someone supervise the process, and suddenly you have one person cranking out thousands of blankets a day. So I think it is generally a good thing. A few things have me concerned though. First, with people being instantly connected, there is hardly any alone time for self-reflection, and thus people do not know themselves very well. Second, the instantaneousness of modern technology helps create an instant gratification society. Finally, by using technology too much we sometimes lose that human interaction that is essential for our emotional well-being.

Do you think media is biased? How so?
Yes. I think most media is biased towards the left, some more than others, except Fox News and the Washington Times, which are almost ridiculously conservative. I understand that the news is made by people who have their own beliefs and it’s inevitable that there will be a little bias, but I believe it is a journalist's job to try and objectively report the news without bias as much as possible.

Favorite color: Blue (with orange)
Favorite book: "Count of Monte Cristo"
Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Favorite music: Relient K
Favorite bible verse: Hmmm…this changes a lot but right now I would have to say Romans 8:38-39 “38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Brandon M. Beckler--A deeper look

What are your religious beliefs?
Christian. More secular people would probably label me an evangelical or fundamentalist.

If you are a Christian, when did you accept Christ?
When I was 7 years old, at First Baptist Church in Choctaw, Oklahoma.

What church do you attend? How are you active there?
Here I go to the chapel or to the contemporary service on Sundays, and I’ve been to both the Baptist Student Union and Campus Crusade meetings during the week. Back home I go to Mountain View Baptist Church. When I’m home I’m really active, here not so much. I really need to work on that.

Are you active in the community?
Same as the church question. We just have so much to do here that I let myself get caught up in that. I need to do a better job of focusing on things that will last beyond my time here at the Academy.

Have you been on any mission trips?

I have been on quite a few mission trips, but each was only a week or so long. I’ve been to West Virginia three times, Canada four times, Venezuela once, and I’ve done a mission trip, of sorts, in Hickory.

How do you witness to people?
I tend to practice “relationship evangelism,” as I’ve heard it called. I build a relationship with someone and earn his or her trust. I try to act out my witness, and when I have that relationship, I then share my faith.

What are your parents’ beliefs?
My parents are both Christian and believe as I do. They helped guide me in my early years and then God took over.

What is your political standpoint?

Moderately conservative. I think that both sides have some merit, and the most useful thing is a rational, civil dialogue between the two. In today’s politics where you have to appeal to the radical base to get elected, however, all you see is the polarization of politicians. We’re losing the middle, and I don’t think it’s a good thing.

What do you think are some major issues in the world to you? What do you think you can do about them/want to do about them?
One of the big things that I have a problem with is the underdeveloped world, and how much we here in the rich countries waste. I think that one of the keys to development is education, and that’s one of my passions. Education is in investment not only in individuals, but also in society. Speaking generally, by educating a person you make him more productive and raise his standard of living. But you also make him a more productive member of a society, benefiting the community as a whole. I think we should support and implement policies that promote education in the undeveloped world. And I won’t start on how education can help with other problems, such as terrorism. Just read "Three Cups of Tea" and research what the Australians are doing in Indonesia.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Brandon M. Beckler--Who is he?

Tell me about yourself?
I’m 20 years old and a junior at the Naval Academy. I moved around a lot as a kid, but in 5th grade I moved to Hickory, North Carolina and lived there ever since so that is where I consider home. I play Sprint Football at the Naval Academy, which is regular football except we have a weight limit. I’m engaged to an amazing young woman named Cortney, who I started dating at the beginning of my senior year of high school. I like to watch the Office and football, and the Florida Gators are the best team of all time.

Where were you born?
Subic Bay Naval Hospital, Cubi Point, Philippines

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have a brother Tyler, who is 18, and a freshman at Gardner Webb.

Did you move around a lot as a kid?
A ton. My dad was in the Navy, so I moved about every three years until 5th grade. I’ve lived in the Philippines, Washington, Texas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, and now Maryland

Are your parents divorced?


Do you want to get married and have kids one day?
Of course I do. Already picked out the girl too

How did you come to Naval Academy?
Well, ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to come here. My dad went there, and I’ve always looked up to him and his buddies from the Navy. They’ve all been really great people, and I’ve always wanted to work with people like that in a job that means something more than money.

What do you want to do with your life?
I’m not sure where my life will go, but for at least the next little while I want to fly jets for the Navy.

Are you dating someone right now?
I am engaged to a wonderful girl named Cortney who I have been dating for over three years.

How do you relieve stress?
I like to relax and do as little as possible when I’m really stressed. I’ll watch a movie, play a video game or read a book.

What irritates you in other people?
Thinking they are somehow inherently better than everyone else.

What kind of things do you like to do?
I like to read books. I read a lot in my spare time, mostly when I’m not at school because here I have to read stuff for class. I also like to watch TV, mostly football and The Office, and play some video games.

What do you want people to know about you?
I’m a generally laid back person who likes to have fun and think, and talk, about anything and everything.

If you could give one piece of advice to the world, what would it be?
Be who you are. Don’t fake it. And respect people for who they are, even if you don’t like them or disagree with them.

If there was one thing in the world that you could change, what would it be?
I would make some sort of teleportation device. We spend way too much time just getting from point A to point B. Obviously this would lead to some complications, what with national security and all, but it would be cool.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thad L. Kanupp--On Media and Technology

Technology and media have become part of our day to day lives. How do you feel about this? Is it a positive thing? Negative thing? How would your life be different without technology and media?
Heck yeah, it's a positive thing. I'm a little disappointed that I'm sitting here in 2009 and have yet to see my flying car, but that's a minor complaint. Yeah, there's a good and bad side, but DUH. Without technology and media, we'd all still be swinging from trees, trying to find edible fruit without being eaten by saber-toothed tigers.

Do you think media is biased? How so?

Well yeah. It's a human creation, right? Nothing is created without a purpose, and that purpose is what it is biased toward. 100% of media is out to make money, either directly or indirectly, by playing to whatever the interests and concerns of its target audience are. That's not me being cynical, and it's not a bad thing. We all have to have something to buy sandwiches with.

Favorite color: Red
Favorite movie: Star Wars IV
Favorite book: The Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate
Favorite Bible verse: I don't remember at the moment. The one in Revelation about not writing down what the seven thunders said, or something like that. Spooky.
Favorite food: As most people who know me will attest, I'll eat most anything. Too much to try to pick a favorite.
Favorite candy: Take 5 candy bars. Apparently, they don't make them any more. Or at least, I haven't seen any. Mounds bars are good, too.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thad L. Kanupp--A deeper look

What are your religious beliefs?
In short: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, etc. In a little longer: I believe in a merciful, forgiving, reasonable God, and disregard anything that contradicts that, even if it's in the Bible. I also believe in science, and don't consider it and religion mutually exclusive.

If a Christian, when did you accept Christ?

No time in particular. I grew up being told about Him and despite my best efforts, couldn't find any reason to not accept it. Over the years I've looked into other religions, as well as none at all, and have yet to see anything with more to offer than Christianity, though most have ideas worth borrowing. Until I find something with a better argument, I'll stay Christian. I don't know it's right, but I believe it is.

What church do you attend? How are you active there?

New Jerusalem Lutheran Church. Not very active at all, really. I'm not a big fan of church services in general. They seem involve a lot of telling yourself how good you are for being a Christian, or how bad you are for being a sinner, depending on the day and denomination.

Are you active in the community?
Not very, but it seems like I always blunder into doing some sort of community service every six months or so.

Have you been on any mission trips?
Nope. Sounds fun, though.

How do you witness to people?
Actions. If someone asks me about my religion, I'll be more than happy to share and argue, but otherwise I figure they've put as much thought in their beliefs as I have mine (which may be naive of me) and don't want to feel like those beliefs are being attacked. I'll never try to convert someone, but I don't mind presenting alternatives to people who would like to hear them.

What are your parents’ beliefs?

Good question. Like me, they're officially Lutheran. My mom tends to be more like me, while my dad is a bit more conservative/traditional.

What is your political standpoint?
Pragmatism. As far as issues go, I tend to fall just right of center. I'm registered as unaffiliated (not Independent, which is a party. I don't like parties).

What do you think are some major issues in the world to you? What do you think you can do about them/want to do about them?
The world has been fighting with the same issues since forever. Until human nature changes, there's nothing anyone can do about any of it. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to help third world countries or the homeless or cancer patients or whatever. Just that, on an individual basis, a lot more can be done to better the general situation. People just need to be a bit more understanding. Or a lot more, in the case of some.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thad L. Kanupp--Who is he?

My friend Thad agreed to be the next person for my blog. Seeing that Thad and I are hours apart though, I did not personally interview him, instead I sent him the questions and he responded. This is what Thad has to say...

Where were you born?
I like to say I was born and raised in Hickory, NC, but I was actually born in Lincolnton. It was where my mom's doctor was.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
One little sister, Callie.

Did you move around a lot?
Personally, yes, I'm a very kinetic person. But home has always been in the same spot.

Are your parents divorced?

Do you want to get married and have kids one day?
Yes. Seems to be pretty popular.

How did you Tusculum?

I saw the Tusculum College table at a college fair at CVCC. Nobody else was there, so I picked up a brochure on a whim. I found out they were pretty much the only reasonably-sized (i.e., not big) school within 3 hours of home with a Film and Broadcasting program (or something similar). So off I went.

What do you want to do with your life?
Be somebody. I don't much care how, but I want people to recognize and remember me. If I could choose how to go about that, my first choice would be through music, my second through film.

Are you dating someone right now?

Yep. Two years in January. Her name is Tiffany. She's pretty.

How do you relieve stress?

Sleep, listen to music, anything to take my mind off of it. When I'm at home, I'll wail on my drums for a while.

What irritates you in other people?

Wow. Do we have time? Stupidity, mostly. And I don't mean doing dumb things. I mean the mass idiocy that allows people like Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and pretty much anyone on TV that isn't Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert to have a fanatical, millions-strong following.

What kind of things do you like to do?
I don't have near enough time or money for all the hobbies I'd like to have. Reading is fun, but I hardly have time any more. I LOVE music. Playing or listening. Most of my money gets spent on something related to one or the other. I also like making movies and videos and such. You can see some of my stuff at if you're willing to forgive the shameless plug.

What do you want people to know about you?
I'm a good person. I can be brutally sarcastic and insulting at times, but nobody should ever take that personally. I dish it out only because I want to take it back. Insult battles are an intellectual exercise for me. I'm also a much more naive, trusting person than my cynical tirades might leave some to believe.

If you could give one piece of advice to the world, what would it be?
Have fun.

If there was one thing in the world that you could change, what would it be?

I'd make people think a little more. I think it was Chris Rock who said something along the lines of, "Let it swirl around in your head for a bit, THEN decide."

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dave R. Michaux--On Media and Technology

Technology and media have become part of our day to day lives. How do you feel about this? Is it a positive thing? Negative thing? How would your life be different without technology and media?
I like it. I think that it is a good thing generally. If it weren’t for technology, I wouldn’t be able to so conveniently boil water for tea. We wouldn’t have ice cream that would last over night. And I can’t imagine live without ice cream and tea. I think that they are good things, but I think like everything else in this world, they can be taken too far.

I think that too often we are concerned with pop culture, especially in like entertainment in the media, and who is dating who, and who is pregnant with who’s baby, and who got a face lift, and who got a picture of who on the beach with someone else’s guy.

But I love video games. But like everything else, technology and media in moderation is good.

Without technology there is no printing press, and there would be no mass manufactured books! There would be no computer on which you would be typing. And there would be no Princess Bride.

Do you think media is biased? How so?
Everything is biased. Your face is biased. I think some media is more biased than others. But you can’t record anything, you can’t comment on anything without inserting some type of bias, no matter how hard you are trying.

Favorite candy: Almond Joy
Favorite music: My favorite music depends on my mood. I enjoy metal—Christian metal—such as Disciple (Here he points to his Disciple hoodie) I enjoy old time rock and roll, such as Steppenwolf and Bob Seger. I love Frank Sinatra. I also enjoy folk and blue grass like Nickel Creek and the Avett Brothers. I don’t much care for pop country. Or death metal. Or most gangster rap. There are some I really like. I like Jay Z’s “99 Problems”.

Favorite color: red

Favorite Bible Verse: Deuteronomy 10:17-22

I like pickles. Pickles out of the jar.

I want to love people. I want to hang out with people, and I want to mix the two together. And I want to be like Jesus. I fail quite a bit. But I try.

C’est fin.